Learn How To Teach What You Love At Fresh Personal Training

The premise behind our Trainers in Training is to offer a course that allows you to develop physical skills alongside leadership skills in such a way that you can go on to shape your future in Personal Training. We'll take the time to teach you how to modify and correct your clients' form and technique in a way that will help you get better, too! At Fresh Personal Training, our purpose is to make strong leaders in our community using fitness as the foundation.
To learn more about our Trainers in Training, just fill out the short form on your screen!
Get Hands On Experience At Fresh Personal Training
Our trainers in training work closely with the head trainers to perfect their personal training skills and are now ready to conduct quality and safe workouts under the guidance and supervision of the head trainers.
The Fresh Trainer in Training program has been created to compliment your NASM, ACE, NPTI, or other reputable personal training certification. This program will shape your future in Personal Training as you develop the physical skills alongside leadership skills needed to excel in the industry. At Fresh Personal Training, our purpose is to make strong leaders on our community using fitness as the foundation.
We're adding some new faces to our FRESH team. Our new trainers have been working closely with Rob to perfect their personal training skills and are now ready to conduct quality and safe workouts that will be approved by a head trainer in advance.
Our Trainers in Training are passionate and dedicated, but still have some room to grow in this field. This is why we decided to offer sessions at a discounted rate. As our trainers complete the training program, future purchases will be at our current higher rates.
Our 55 minute Trainer in training sessions are available in packs of 10, 20, and 40. These sessions must be used with our Trainers in Training. Packages expire 1 year from purchase however, the value of any remaining sessions may be used towards other services.
Learn Proper Form, Leadership Skills, and How To Create New Leaders
With the help of our team at Fresh Personal Training, we know that you can become the best trainer you can be. Together, we grow in fitness, and as leaders in Little Silver, Shrewsbury, Fair Haven, Red Bank, Eatontown, and beyond.
Just fill out the short form on your screen to learn more today!